30 August 2007

Princess, God is everywhere!!

I have finished my first week as "Miss", "Lady", "Busdriver", and "D12" (dispatch calls me by my bus number). Just want to share how very sweet Jesus is..I know that most of you know, but for a moment I want to try to let you see HIM through my eyes.

God has been taken out of the schools, and children are no longer encouraged to believe in HIM, and HE shouldn't be mentioned. I have been amazed at how HE can work with that! There is mothers group who prays regularly together, for the schools that thier children are in...The children in Middles school and High School have started a Bible study/ prayer group, and the school had to let them as it falls under interest, and/or clubs...freedom of religion and all that political correctness we are forced to look at. So I have been thrilled at what has been happening with our children. We live in a fairly small community, both groups have an attendance of about 30-40 kids each week. Praise you Jesus!

At the bus company I have found about 30% of the drivers are Christian, and are reaching out to the children before and after school. I had to laugh this morning while I thought of this. Driving into the sunrise, praising God...and then just laughing! That is just like HIM -- tell HIM HE can't come in! The nerve of humans telling an almighty God what HE can do. He is surrounding it with HIMself in drivers, and infiltrating it with kids who are so anointed by the Spirit, and who have a boldness. They look out for each other, and give one another a smile, and companionship in a place where they normally would be alone. God is incredible!!

Today....I looked through my mirrors as always, and asked the LORD to just look after these children today, and not let one of them leave this planet without HIM. My heart just started to break for the ones with sadness and anger first thing in the morning. One of my five year olds who is near tears everyday...smiled today, and it was huge! I told her I have waited all week to see that! Don't you dare make we wait next week to see it again. She stopped on her way out of the bus and gave me a hug...she whispered "thanks for not letting the bad people get me"... My reply was simple.."I would not let them get you, are you out of your everlovin little mind!!..." she laughed, and I just said keep the beautiful smile going..and off she went. The HS girl I told you about, asked today if she looked nice..and she did. Today was her picture day, and she didn't feel very pretty. I told her "you may not feel pretty but sweeti you are drop dead gorgeous! You better have a talk to your feelings and tell them to get in line!" She left with a smile today too. Thank you Jesus! Do you love HIM so?? I am so crazy about HIM! HE just wipes little ones tears, and babies scared of the bad people, and teenagers who have no self esteem-He gives them a happy heart, and smile of confidence. I know HE pursues them just like me...I pray that they will let HIM catch them, and become all that HE has planned for them!

Been working on some other outreach things for the church, and getting things lined up to begin taking others with me in moving through the nieghorhood. All my apprehension is gone, and I just hear HIM (spiritual ears of course), they are going to come, I will bring them. You know, I am believing HIM!

Sorry I haven't gotten my pics from RI on yet...new pc, running Vista...and some of my programs are not working properly...so back to troubleshooting, and seeking out more drivers to work with Vista...so hopefully sometime this weekend!

Princess, God is everywhere! Let that settle on you for a minute...we sometimes quote scripture about HIM hemming us in..but make it personal, and try to visualize what that must look like..and dance...let no fear stop you, dream BIG, love like you were created for, sing even if it sounds terrible to you (it sounds beautiful to HIM), show tenderness and kindness it goes so much further than preaching "your all going to hell". Pray to see strangers around you through the eyes of Jesus. Ask HIM to break your heart over things that break HIS. Join us in the Dance! Yes somethings are difficult, but never too difficult for my GOD..after all HE got kicked out of school, and just created another way in...and now HE is more of a fixture than before. Don't you just love how HE always gets the last word! I do!! Princess HE will never send you out on a limb that HE will not climb out there beside you..HE loves you so much HE died for you, because HE didn't want to face eternity without you! Thats personal! Princess to Princess :)


God's girl said...

Great post! You are such an encouragement! I am so excited to see all Jesus is doing in and through you!
Much love princess!

Tam said...

This sent holy shivers all throughout by body and soul Darla! You are being Jesus to those kiddos. The whole time I'm reading this I'm thinking to myself - will they ever know what a gift God has given them through you! He is touching them, speaking to them and loving them through you! And why? Because you are a willing vessel! I just love you and appreciate you and praise God for how He works!

Leah Adams said...

Ohhhhhh, you are just blessin' the socks off those kids and they don't even recognize that Jesus is sitting in that driver's seat!! How awesome!! You go girl. Be Jesus to those dear ones. Thanks for your prayers and your encouragement.

Are you going to try to go to San Antonio next year to the Siesta Fiesta? I think we are!! It should be a blast.


Kathy said...

Thanks for sharing your insights. Sometimes we don't notice God working and then blame HIM, when it's really our insensitivity. Oh, you're going to have a wonderful year driving that bus and God is doing beautiful things in children's hearts. Don't you think a revival might come through this younger generation? There is a remnant with passion and zeal for God. Keep praying and watching for what God's doing! (And keep us posted)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your post Darla dear....I love how God is using you in these kids lives...will you keep the bad people away from me too? ;) I know God protects His children and it's quite a comparison with what you are doing! I've tried again to comment on hubbies blog but it says I need a google account which I haven't had time to set up. :( Keep up God's goodness in all you do. I love you! Deborah

Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi (D12) Darla, I am so blessed to read about how this past week went for you driving The Bus. And this was just the first week of many more to come. They might be able to kick God out of the school, but He'll just take the bus and be a blessing on the way to and the way home. Have a wonderful weekend and I can't wait to hear what next week brings. Thank you so much for being his beautiful and willing vessel. I love you so much for it. These kids are our future and need Gods love to see them through.

~*~Love and Thanks and Joy to you from California~*~ Laurel

lori said...

i have tears in my eyes...you are blessing SO many and reaching those who need you! You are LIVING for HIM...praise you!! I am inspired and I teach classes on friday at our homeschool co-op and believe it or not there are kids there who NEED the LOVE too...what a difference when you can reach one and see them smile...I know HE is smiling too!!
details Darla, you notice the details in those kids and that is EXACTLY what HE wants us to notice...the details...what a blessing you are!!

lori said...

Oh princess...i have a thing for PENS too....go over to my site and scroll down to the Sharpie drawer!! it's just a thing with me...
You are such an encourager!!
Be blessed today...
princess lori

Shonda said...

How exciting it is to read what the Lord is doing through you!

I just love the different ways God uses us. I love the praise report on how the week ended up with two of those girls. I'm in prayer for them.

I plan to go to San Antonio next year. I'm so excited about it!!

Sunshine said...

Hey! I have given you a blogger award - visit my blog! Sunshine

jen said...

Hi there, I found your blog through Shonda. I LOVE This post! It's always fun to see a Siesta on fire for God. I know He loves your ministering through a school bus route, and He will definatly bless you for it! Keep plowing the field Siesta!

PS - I'll be in San Antonio too, hopefully with Shonda! We'll all have to meet up! This is so exciting!

Kara Akins said...

Princes Overcomer,

Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer said...

Princess Darla,
Greetings! Stopped by your blog tonight- I love it!!!!! Saw many of my favorite verses! Oh, yes, I love Him so!!! I love being head over heels in love with Him and meeting others who are, too. What a blessing you are to all of those little ones He has entrusted to you. What a beautiful ministry- you are truly the hands and feet of Jesus. I will stop by again.

"Thirsty for Him"

Princess L/Princess K

Princess L and her Knight