08 August 2007

Princess, it's all about ME

The past few days have been intense. And it is easy to lose the focus that everything, literally everything, is about HIM. So today I am praying again for all of HIM and none of me. HE has touched my heart and gently reminded me that all that I am so discouraged in is a matter of being Home Sick-Heaven being my home. I have been kicking everything that is not good and excellent, and striving for Holiness in the body of Christ, and in the church body as well. The truth of it all is that I am not going to see the unity I so want to see, not on earth anyway. If I could have all that I want for the body, we would all be home!

The KING has reminded me to continue to have a happy heart about the service I am in to HIM. Worship services (whether worshipful or not) are all about HIM, for HIM and to HIM. HE is capable to handle any who make a mockery of it, and to work in the hearts that make it all something it is not. How very capable HE is! HE is in control, and HIS ways are not mine. Whew! What relief that it is all about HIM, totally freeing me up to be exactly who HE has planned me to be, and to carry out the service to HIM that HE has ordained. Stay focused Princess, all eyes on Jesus, allow HIM to fill you with the love that you need for that moment, and grace to walk through whatever comes at you. HE is good! HE doesn't miss a beat.

There is a sadness today for those who are rejecting HIM. Since it is all about HIM, they are not rejecting me, but HIM. (can you see the freedom in this?) So today we move on this road again starting out strong from our quiet time, a new song on our lips, and happy that it is all about HIM. So today I pray for the body again to be strong in the Lord, to be overcomers in all that comes at them. I pray that the LORD will fill each of our hearts with HIS love so that we can give it to someone else. How I praise HIM that He does not grow weary of filling us, and it is HIS delight and desire that we love HIM and know HIM. We are the God Chasers of this generation, seeking out HIM and HIS perfecct will for us, and not just seeking blessings. We are blessed, and will continue to be blessed seeking HIM.

We bow before YOU, our KING, our Creator. YOU are everything we need and want. Everything is truly about YOU, and for you, and to you. Help us today to have heart more like Jesus, chasing your will, having a servant heart, and doing it all with a happy heart. We love you. There is none like you. Seeking YOU out today in everything we do. YOUR Princess in service to the KING


Leah Adams said...

Be encouraged, sweet Princess, for our Daddy has the outcome of life firmly in the palm of His hand. HE never grows weary, He never grows discouraged, He never wishes He could quit. He sees the top side of the handmade rug of our lives, while we only see the knotted, ugly bottom side. Be encouraged, Princess, and be strong in Him.


Darla said...

Thanks Leah..I love the rug view...today will be the day that we all get up and brush off, and move on...we are on a journey to something that is truly holy and pure..not letting anything get in my way today! :) Love ya Princess

Anonymous said...

Miss Darla, since I know you wrote this blog entry just for me today ;) I want to encourage you that there are so many right now that need to hear this. I fight discouragement as well, most of the people I work with are on the other side of the fence, and after 5 years of witness seem to be no closer to our precious Savior. I will carry this with me today, and when I get the urge to sit them down, smack them with the Bible and say "READ!!!!", instead I will carry the new song in my heart, and let Him fill me with that joy that is our strength...Have a beautiful day with Him...Luvs!

Sunshine said...

GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!! This post makes me want to shout!

WOW - just what I needed to hear. My life to Him, for Him, and because of HIM!!!!! Praise God for you sweet princess. Sunshine

Shelly said...

Amen Darla...

I trust His sustaining arms to carry you...

Gods Gal said...

Thank you for that precious walk beside still waters...it is precious!!!

Luvs to you!

Princess Gods Gal

Tam said...

I love this post, as usual. I'm glad you clarified that it's not all about us. I think too often that's when we get tripped up. Our eyes need to always and only be on Him...Period! Serving Him should not be done with our benefit in mind but for others and His glory - Amen! And if there so happens to be a benefit thrown our way then we can consider that an atta girl from our Father! Just keep serving, unselfishly and wholeheartedly for His purpose and His glory - He will fill us with everything needed to walk the path...

Much love to you! You are a blessing!

Tam said...

Oh! And I also love this about your comment approval...

"Postings will show after the princess approves them" Makes me giggle every time!

Susan said...

Darla. Your posts are so intense and so speak to me. Things I have not even been able to verbalize but...there it is and it applies to me!

Thanks again for checking on me today. No worries. I'm a skeptic, just like you when it comes to this kind of stuff.

He's already told me what I need to do...I'm hoping she'll be able to help me implement it!


Tam said...

Uh-Oh did Princess not approve my first comment - or did i not send it right?

Darla said...

Tam, the princess always approves YOU! hahaha you always make me smile! :)

Try again...

Anonymous said...

Tam, stop being a Blog Hog!!!! HA!

Tam said...

I would but I can't remember what i said - too funny! It's late!

You ROCK!!!

Lori said...

I found your blog through Jenny W. 's blog. Thank you for the reminder that it is all about HIM and for HIM. I also really needed the "they are not rejecting you but HIM" reminder.

From one princess to another,


Princess L/Princess K

Princess L and her Knight