Soon a new outreach will be starting in my area. My husband and I will be organizing this, well actually it has already started to take form. We know from past experience that any time you go into the dark kingdom to set free captives (in Jesus Name), the opposition gets crazy intense. PRAYER! It is the single most needed resource. Praying on our part, prayer cover from the church, and as many prayer warriors as can be pulled together. After reading many books on this subject (over the last few years), I am still at the same thought..."don't know how it works, just know that it does, and HE did say pray without ceasing".
I am repentant in that I have been dragging my feet, and being in doubt. We have done this before, and have been involved with others, and it seems that when it is at its strongest...the enemy rushes in and rips it apart. Don't know why I can't seem to keep the thinking that God is in control even in those situations, but HE is. SO HE sends us again.
Recently I received a phone call from someone that the LORD had put in front of me in an outreach, and honestly, I wasn't sure that she was getting it. Her life was so messed up, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, her son was taken from her and given to his alcoholic father. Sometimes her numbness to the world just seemed to consume her. But she was always respectful. I was dismissed from that outreach/rehab because when they throw someone out, we were all to walk away from that person, and not get emotionally involved. That is what I did, I went after her. Because I just wanted her to know that I did not lie to her, and Jesus is real, and HE does want to make a difference, and Jesus did not throw her back to the street.
Long story short...she is now 2 years clean and sober, has her son back, works a full time job, and is active in her church with her new faith family. She is one of the most beautiful young ladies I know. She gives all the glory to GOD. Her phone call was awesome encouragement. As I think about it, and converse with God about the whole episode with being dismissed, and how sweet HE is to pick her up and love on her, HE reminds me .... The shepherd leaves the flock to find that one lost sheep. I had doubted that I heard HIM right, why would you send me some where that dismisses me, and got real ugly! HE just held me, and again I am forced to look at the differences in HIS ways. Service to the KING, its not just a job its an adventure! :)
Party is on in Heaven over the we don't know if we are going to reach one or 100, but this we do know....pray pray pray pray pray....the shepherd is sending us out for another lost sheep, all for HIS glory, for the Kingdom. Pray that we will stay focused, pray that we will have great discernment against the enemies schemes. Pray for the heart(s) that are being prepared as we go in "search and rescue". God is good, all the time! I love HIS heart!
As I read this this morning sweet sister, and got to the part where the enemy came in and ripped it apart, I prayed against that in Jesus name. He was defeated at the cross and has ZERO power over the Lords princesses and you take the authority that you have from the King, and if the Lord allows something to come your way,He says to count it all joy. Worship Him in the adversity if He allows it, and then His joy will be your strength! In the meantime, I will be faithfully praying for you and your husband. Walk into this with the mindset that the victory is already yours....because it you!
I will be praying for you and your hubby as you step out for Christ. Know that He is your rear guard and He goes before you to prepare the way!! The victory is His!!
He has definitely put this calling and vision into your life - He will never give you a vision without the built in ability to carry it through. So carry it through with and for Him! For His glory, which I already know you plan to do!
Ephesians 6:10 yourself! This was also a reminder from my sweet friend Gods Gal so it's fresh in my mind.
Gods Gal and Leah, I echo your wise words and pray along with you for Darla right now...
Darla, can't wait to read in your blog God's progress through this new journey He has you and your husband on!
Many Blessings!
Remember Paul in prison. Through all his shawl even to warm him as he was in prison...he still had one priceless thing...Jesus Christ. Remember to fight the good fight and to keep the faith. Press on in the footsteps of Christ and His disciples. You have definitely seen the risen Christ and He has changed your heart forever. Read 2 Timothy and remember where Paul was as he wrote this epistle. It would be his last.
It's about 14 hours since I wrote this post, and today has been totally cool how the Lord is speaking not just to me but to "tough guy" (my husband). Thanks for the prayers! You diva chica's Rock!
Tough guy is now jamming out in the other room, and rocking suburbia for Jesus! I haven't seen this fire in him for a long time..
God is sooooo good!!!! Love ya!
Yay!!!! This is good - very good!!!
Count me in - I am doing a study right now by Jennifer Kennedy Dean called 'Live a Praying Life' and what better way to walk that out than to lift you up in prayer? Thanks for the opportunity to walk with you and hold you up in front of the throne of grace. God is all over this blog - He just shines through you - your words and your sweet spirit. Thank you for your sweet words in my comment section the other day - Sunshine
I am encouraged by your testimony about the girl who was thrown out of rehab. When I look at the gospels, those are the people who Jesus went to. Those are the people whose lives He restored. Your story of redemption is a modern day gospel story.
Thanks for sharing it.
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