28 July 2007

New York Missions Trip!!!!

Hello Ladies!!! I have heard so much about you! I just wanted to start off first by saying thanks to every one who was covering me with their prayers while i was in New York City on a missions trip. It was an absolute BLAST!!!!! So were to start....hmmmmm! lol....well Ill start on Monday! OK on Monday we left early in the morning and it was like....really early! We got to NYC at like....my guess is 1pm at the latest. When we got there we had training that really only prepared us for what we were going out there to do...and what our purpose was when we were up there. Well most people probably didn't see the point in it.....but I thought it was really cool what Sam Fry was saying. ( OK I am just going to stop for a second and tell You who Sam Fry is. Sam is the missionary in NYC and he was going to be taking us around to the neediest parts of NYC. Alright back to Monday!) Now One of the things that really caught my attention was when he said this will be one of the hardest weeks of your life....only beause you are out in the devils territory furthering the kingdom of Heaven! When I heard that....It totally blew the socks off my feet! But it was because he was right!! We had sessions like that until like 9pm . And yes we had curfews.....for the girls and the boys it was 11pm, but for the girls....well you know how we are when we are all cramed in two small rooms hyped on GOD...We sometimes didnt go to sleep til like 1 in the morning...lol!!! But then Tuesday came around and yea we were all dog tired, ha the adults had no clue how late we were all up till! And to this day still don't..hahaha!!! But any way on Tuesday we got up early and all only had 5 mins in the shower.....(we were timed) yes,I took a 5 min shower...very hard and would not recomend it!! But we had breakfast at 8 and our devotions were after that. Now we had a Book we would write in and it had devotions made up for us. But I think it was Tuesday that I did my own out of my Bible...It was during these times of the day that I learned the most. And many times it was hard enough to get my focus where it needed to be....but one of the things I learned during this time was that if you dont get some kind of attack from the enemy well then you are not really on track with GOD! That was One of the main things GOD was showing me in the course of that week. Well today was our first day doing the open air evangelism on the streets of NYC. I was so siked!!!!!! this was the first time I have ever done anything like this!! Well we started to walk and did some of the subway!! (I'll tell you more about the subway later) We finally had reached the two corners we were going to be stationed at. One of the corners were in the shade....and the corner I was in was no shade, I was told that it was 103 in the sun! Can you say sweaty with a smile for Jesus!!! Even though it was HOT, God still was preparing hearts. We were handing out these tracks that were labled Heaven or Hell?....were are you going? Quiz. and on the inside it had verses that backed up what it meant to go to heaven, and verses to back up what would not get in to heaven. The tracks were a big success in most of the day. But i was just happy that some one was going to recieve the gospel through accepting what i wanted to give them!!! I think in an average that day i gave out over 45 tracks to people!! Although it was my hand extending out to give them the good news.....it was God who was going to make the diference in there life..not me. well the day was almost done and I had heard all my friends saying how they had led some one to the lord.....and some had led as many as 3 people! Now I was happy for my friends but i started to ask GOD, how come i cant do that, I mean I am trying but how comes the doors not open yet? I was asking this all week pretty much...but GOD was probably just laughing cuzz he had something else in mind for me later! But I did get some what discouraged for a little bit...but God always knew just how to make me feel better!! But latter that night I was reminded that GODs word does not go out void!!! AND THAT IS SO AWSOME!!! Now we are on to Wednesday!! Well wednesday was not as hot...but it was still hot. We started off with breakfast and then devotions and then we started our day from there. Now today we went on the Subway and it was a long journey on there....like half way through New York on the subway!! And so I was standing waiting for us to get to were we needed to be and i heard this really deep deep voice coming throught the aisle. But when i looked it was a very tall, large man walking through asking for some money. he was homeless. and around his neck was a string linked to some cardboard that said something like this......"I am Hopeless and hungery"....yes, I had to read it twice I had no clue what i should have done....but than i tryed to think what would jesus do. But i really wasnt sure what he would have done. So that day i prayed about it and then i asked my mom on the cell....what should i have done about that.....she had told me that jesus would have fed him....And you know what i thought....She is so right. But i had no food with me and i am not GOD. but i was also told that most people who are homeless choose to be that way! I will never forget that man....but i will also never stop praying for him. But that totally opened my eyes for the rest of the week! He is not the only one in new york or in the world who is Hopeless....there are so many out there who are, and its our job to go after them and spread the word of GOD to them no matter what!!!!!! So On towards the rest of the day we were handing out more tracks and I had come across a man who looked to be about 21 years old and when i went up to give him a track i asked him if he believed in God Or Jesus. And his reply was well....he crumbled it up and then threw it right in front of me as i was standing with him. well i looked at the man and smiled and said Have a nice day and waved goodbye to him! so after that i was convinced that the devil was just mad and needed to blow some steam. yea I was a little upset about that but i decided to not let that get to me. That was when i walked a little more around the corner and i had this man ask me what it was i was giving out after i had asked him if he wanted one and i said that it was about Jesus...and how he is the only way to heaven and with out him life pretty much stinks. And he looked at me and said..."I dont believe in Jesus, and i never will!" and he rejected the track. Ok by now i am so upset i walk over to Sam and he asks me how its going and i told him straight out it is not going well. So i told him what the to men told me or did and he said that its not you they just rejected its GOD! So That was pretty much what happened on Wednesday. Thursday, we did the same thing as we did all week.....only today during my devotions all i did was pray. I pretty much was asking GOD why am i not doing good at this.....why is it so hard for me and so easy for everyone else? Well he definitely answered me by telling me what he has been saying....its only hard because you are doing something to further the Kingdom of GOD and The devil wants to plainly knock you out...But then he reminded me with HIS sweet touch....that if you are for me who can be against you!!!! Totaly awesome!!!!! As always!!!!! So now we are on our last day in the Queens (name of where we were) and we were out in the shade again for our last time. I was so pumped and excited i couldnt help but smile constantly!!!! haha! ok so i was standing on the corner of the one block and i saw these two girls who looked to be about 18 or 19. and i walked up to them and sat down beside them and started talking to them. after talking for a little, the one girl started to smoke and that was when i said to them both do you want to take a survey? and they were both like sure. so i gave it to them and the one girl looked at me and she said she was raised catholic and she was not really interested in GOD at the moment....but the other one did, so i popped the question and i asked them do you want to have a savior? Well the one girl Anna was her name, she said "yes i do.....i just dont know how to get to him!" and that made me so happy inside! so I began asking her questions and we talked for a while and she just kept on opening up to me like she had known me for a long time. so before we prayed together she said "why did GOD make me bi-polar?" and i told her that God made you in his image and he made you fearfully and wounderfully ....he calls you a princess and he loves you so so so very much! but in the end she accepted the lord as her savior!! At that point GOD had said to me really loud that she was the one he sent me for!!!! I am very thankfull For all that he had taught me in that week! And I am glad to have been able to share it with you all. Thank you so much for your prayers!!!! Love in christ-princess K


Leah Adams said...

Hmmmm, sounds like s chip off the ole block. How awesome!! I'm sure what Princess K experienced will impact her for a lifetime. You must be pretty proud of her!!!! I'm so glad we got to share in her trip.


ocean mommy said...

Princess K.,

That was AWESOME!!!! NYC is one of my favorite places to visit, but each time I go, I'm amazed at the hurt I see on the faces there. God used you in ways you may not know until Heaven. Your zeal and love for the Father is so evident in your writing. I know that HE is proud of you his precious princess!

Unknown said...

Dear Princess K,

How rockin is that? NYC is the most amazing city to reach out to. I went on a week long urban ministry mission trip a long time ago and LOVED it! It sounds like you had an amazing time with God! Keep it going now that you are home! Seriously, you can make a difference in your world! I loved reading about your trip and hope you have the opportunity to continue to reach people for Christ! Yay God!

Faith said...

Princess K,
Thanks for writing and sharing your experiences! I'm thankful for what God taught you and what a blessing that He used you to lead someone into a personal relationship with Him. He is good! You are probably already doing this but keep praying for her, that God will send someone to disciple her.
Princess Faith :)

God's girl said...

what an awesome testimony! Thanks so much for sharing. I bet it will be an experience you will never forget!
Much love,
Angela :)

Princess L/Princess K

Princess L and her Knight