20 January 2008

Update on move

Okay it didn't work so well sharing a blog with HUBS, as I am a blog hog! LOL but that is okay he has made a new blog http://praise365.wordpress.com visit him and welcome him to blogsville! I am at http://4evrhis.wordpress.com still the same princess heart, and desiring more of Jesus and more hunger for HIS word, and just to know HIM more. So stop in and don't just be a lurker, jump in and give me your thoughts!!! Love you all sooooo much!!!

1 comment:

Faith said...

Hey, Princess! Thanks for stopping by my blog! It was good to hear from you. :) I have really missed blogland over the past few weeks. I'm hoping to get back into it a lot more now that I am DONE with grad school! Woohoo! LOL at you being a "blog hog." I have a feeling that would happen if I tried to share my blog with my man, too! ;)

Princess L/Princess K

Princess L and her Knight